Algofly, smart flight comparator

In 2012, David Coutelle, co-founder of Algofly, decides to buy a plane ticket to go to Canada with his companion, and realizes that the prices fluctuate enormously from one website to another and from one day to the other. Since then, he offers advice to those looking for flight tickets at the most competitive price, thanks to an algorithm that calculates when the best price is reached.

Since this service is available exclusively online, marketing automation became an indispensable element to automate the relation with all users. Beyond the operations and services that will be presented here, Algofly is often solicited by the press (TV, newspapers, radio, different interviews and blog articles) which brings them a great traffic and a growing reputation. Marketing automation helps them to convert and nurture these contacts with a very ROI oriented approach.

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Webmecanik Automation helped us to get to know our customers better and to develop our business, all accompanied by an efficient and competent team.

David Coutelle - Co-founder - Algofly

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