How to improve your customer experience with marketing automation?

The last few years have seen the emergence of big changes on major consumer trends. Companies are no longer just looking to sell products, but to provoke emotions and a real attachment in their consumers.

With the massive use of social networks, globalisation and the speed of exchanges, customers have never been so much at the heart of companies’ strategies. This has made possible to highlight new marketing practices. Among them, we find conversational marketing, experiential marketing, inbound marketing, co-creative marketing…

In this handbook, we will look back into the strategic elements that we believe to be essential to improve your customer experience with a marketing automation software.

First, we will review the key notions to know in order to improve your customer experience. We will then look at the tools you will need: data, omnicanality and we will focus on the personalisation tools available in your automation software. Finally, we will provide you with some concrete examples of marketing automation workflows that will improve your customer experience.


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