Renault-Sport was created in 1975 by Gérard Larousse following the merge of the sporting activities of Alpine and Gordini, two branches that belonged to Renault. Since its creation, Renault Sport has been active in endurance, Formula 1, rally and tourism. Renault Sport makes 90 million euros in sales, including the “production cars” department launched in 1995 to develop the brand sports models.
The challenge was to unify its databases, segment and qualify, in real-time, its 250,000 contacts in B2B and B2C to receive the right content at the right time.
Objective: to generate traffic on Renault Sport’s BtoB and BtoC websites. The problem was that until then, the databases were exploited on different CRM and emailing tools.
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Some figures
Newsletters per year
250 000
New contacts
Opening rate