• #CRM
  • #Fonctionnalités commerciales

Archive your emails in your CRM: a winning strategy

With Webmecanik Pipeline, we believe every feature matters. Today, we're introducing our exclusive Pro offer feature: email archiving.

This feature allows you to keep a history of all your interactions with customers and prospects in your CRM. Whether you’re preparing an important meeting or call, or setting up a prospecting campaign, email archiving is the most effective way to find and analyze past interactions with your contacts.

archive email

Centralize your data for better communication

Adopting this practice won't disrupt your daily routine. On the contrary, it fits naturally into your workflow and gathers all your exchanges in a single, easily accessible place. Gone are the days of desperately searching for lost emails in your inbox: every important item in your contact's record is at your fingertips, including important attachments.

A simplified journey to save time

The centralization of information saves time, freeing you from administrative burdens to focus on what really matters: building strong relationships with your customers and prospects. The promise? A streamlined journey that not only saves precious hours but also enhances the quality of your business interactions.


Visit our support article to learn how to set up email archiving from your interface!

Go further and automate archiving

To further optimize your customer relationship management, Webmecanik Pipeline offers to take your archiving experience to the next level through automation. Depending on the email client you use, it's possible to set up automatic BCC (blind carbon copy) of your emails by applying specific rules or installing extensions for your browser. This way, you can automatically archive all your emails into your CRM.

Email archiving and personalizing your communication: the winning combo

This evolution isn't just about improving your user experience; it's designed to ensure that every detail of your conversations is stored,enriching your database for more targeted and personalized communications. Our goal with Webmecanik Pipeline is clear: to provide you with tools that simplify and improve your daily work, offering you both the comfort and the support you need to excel in your sales missions.

Fabien ChevronProduct Marketing Manager

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