Lead management

Collect all the data of your prospects in the same software to master your follow-up tasks and improve your performance. This is where you follow your leads to generate and complete new business opportunities.

Contacts history

Whether they are prospects or customers, you have all the relationship history with your contacts at a glance.

If you use Webmecanik Automation as marketing automation software, you even have a view of the behavioural history of your leads (web pages visited, emails opened and clicked, forms submitted, brochures downloaded, etc.).

Keep track of the history of commercial activities and emails

Store your video or phone meeting minutes in one place. You can also automatically add a copy of emails you sent to your contacts into it. Anyone on your team has access to your complete trade history!

Dynamic filters and visualization

The right prospects and contacts in a few clicks and a glance. You need to be able to display your leads based on different criteria: status, profile, assigned salesperson, etc. For this, multiple labels and filters are there to help you best qualify the status of your prospects.

Create your dynamic views and save them for easy juggling between them.

An adapted database, personalized fields

Create a structured database that responds to the necessary information for your business to win business opportunities.

Use unlimited custom fields to collect and organize the information from your contacts and companies.

Make certain fields mandatory when they are essential for a qualification process and a successful sales cycle.