• #Fonctionnalités Automation
  • #Marketing Automation

Two groundbreaking features are available to help you improve your email open rate and save time. After introducing the ability to send emails at optimal times, our artificial intelligence can now automatically create your email subjects.

suggestion objet email

How does automatic email subject generation work?

Let our AI help you come up with email subject lines by using the subject you provide, the content of your email, or both. It's easy. 

Afterward, feel free to customize your subject by adding an emoji at the beginning, if you'd like, and provide clear guidelines for an enhanced experience.

Choose the right tone to match your audience

To customize your communication even more, choose the best tone for your hook. In marketing, it's essential to adjust by using the appropriate tone for every audience and situation. This customization will boost your odds of making a stronger connection with your target audience!

Compare, retry, choose

Once you've established your guidelines, pick one of the email subjects created by the AI that catches your attention and you're good to go!

Spoiler alert

To take it even further, our upcoming integration will elevate it to the next level: after sending at the optimal time and creating your email subjects using AI, you'll have the ability to perform A/B Testing to enhance your open rates with the most impactful email subjects.

As you can tell, Webmecanik is brimming with surprises to assist you in automating your workflows and enhancing your email effectiveness. The secret to success!

Fabien ChevronProduct Marketing Manager

2 minutes to read