Communicate and retain

Health sector professionals work on sensitive topics and sometimes with many medico-legal constraints depending on the country. The communication with their target are one of the challenges for these companies (laboratories, industrialists, etc.), who must handle information and precision according to the people to whom they want to address.

The marketing automation software is one of the key tools in the world of health. Adapting its content according to the profile of the interlocutors and their location. Be up to date with the legislation. Ensure a good understanding of the message. The power of segmentation and automation ensure that you are as close as possible to these objectives, essential to the success of digital marketing strategies.

They chose Webmecanik

Nous utilisons le marketing automation dans nos stratégies de communication digitale afin de récolter des informations démographiques et comportementales utiles et factuelles sur les cibles de nos clients healthcare et corporate. Cela nous permet d’être toujours plus précis dans les campagnes inbound marketing que nous construisons. Enfin, grâce au marketing automation, nous mesurons le succès et le ROI des tactiques mises en place dans un souci de transparence et d’amélioration constante.

Fanny Rannaud - Global Digital Producer - Helvet Health

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Les stratégies de nurturing et d’engagement pour le secteur de la santé - Webmecanik

logo-automation-white-60px Webmecanik Automation

Webmecanik Automation is an all-in-one marketing automation software that offers you all the tools you need to analyze and track your visitors, feed the relationship with your leads and convert them into customers. The Webmecanik guarantee is the certainty of being accompanied by a team of trainers and a qualified and close support.

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