
Webmecanik Automation 3.0.49-atmt

Features & enhancements

New CRM integration with Sellsy CRM.

  • segment add a UI alert when disabling a segment used in another segment
  • segment add ability to filter on contact creator
  • segment allows user to paste a list of values from spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel, Google Sheet) in a segment filter with “(not) contain” operator. Documentation here.
  • report add ability to filter on contact creator
  • email add a parameter in general configuration to send segment email only once to duplicated contacts created on purpose
  • forms allows to add a form validation message longer than 191 characters
  • email add ability to follow RSS feed item order without following publication date. More information here.

Bug fixes

  • report avoid displaying duplicates in contacts reports
  • report fix display issue for 0 values of boolean fields in reports
  • segment fix display issue of the amount of contacts in segments in certains cases where the cache has expired and is not updated
  • import modify link on import result to redirect to companies instead of contacts
  • forms remove display by default first value of dropdown fields to be able to display empty value by default
  • forms display in form send result action, label form field instead of value form field for select and multiselect fields
  • company enhance search bar performances
  • company enhance contact count assigned to a company that could include contacts from other companies with partial same name
  • widget fix display of “sent emails” widget
  • widgetfix display of “report graph” widget
  • webhook fix webhooks trigger on points when point action is coming from forms

Webmecanik Automation 3.0.48-atmt


  • integration new INESCRM by Efficy plugin to synchronise your data with CRM


  • email change the builder behaviour to avoid changing the design of your email when integrating dynamic content in certain cases

Webmecanik Automation 3.0.47-atmt

Features & Enhancements

  • company you can now import a list of company value targeting a segment. All the contacts with a company assigned having the values listed in your import will be added to your segment.
  • report enhance display performance of email stats reports
  • integration you can now synchronise Everwin “Prospect” companies type


  • points avoid error 500 when saving point action in certain cases
  • report avoid displaying duplicated results in reports
  • report display NULL values in report results when it was missing in certain conditions (with certain filters)
  • landing page display gated video on page preview URL
  • import fix an issue of the imported date which was set +1h
  • asset make mandatory language definition to avoid error
  • form make mandatory to define a recipient of form action “send form result to user” to avoid issue
  • contact change link to related to company from ‘edit’ to ‘view’ URL
  • notification for mobile notifications, make mandatory subtitle (important for iOS) and display better the error in contact timeline
  • focus item allow inserting a multi-page form in focus item
  • email allow using special characters in alt attribute of image

my.webmecanik.com 1.6.20


  • Remove the ability from admin user to modify any user password
  • Display your Webmecanik Academy statistics on your profil and you company Academy details


  • Force the custom domain name to be in lowercaps to avoid issue on custom domain name configuration

Webmecanik Automation 3.0.46-atmt


  • report enhance the way date range are handle to optimise loading performances
  • fields allow storage of large HTML data in HTML custom fields

Webmecanik Automation 3.0.44-atmt

Features & enhancements

  • email MJML templates support <mj-style> tags
  • tracking save UTMs from visited pages
  • integration add to Microsoft Dynamics CRM mapping the fields of following types; picklist, multiple picklist and lookup
  • UI review some missing translations


  • report issue displaying charts on contact reports with a filter on a company field
  • integration avoid Salesforce sending DNC information multiple times and polluting contact timeline
  • campaign error on condition based on a company select field
  • report display now non given values (NULL) in report results
  • dynamic content fix displaying dynamic content depending on a date type field
  • email delete a modification done by the app on HTML code when using a dynamic content which could modify the end user result in mailbox client

Webmecanik Automation 3.0.43-atmt


  • email ability to add text in index and exponent format
  • email review text and translations of the UI
  • email display social elements in right ordering

Webmecanik Automation 3.0.39-atmt

Features & Enhancements

  • company add company overview page displaying assigned contacts, points and company fields values
  • email & page add an automatic rule to rename images and avoid image source links to be added to an email or a page with spaces and special characters that caused the image to not be displayed in some email and browser clients not supporting this type of characters in image URLs.
  • API add ability to send custom email HTML to a contact by API
  • user remove user language from Automation UI knowing that it is managed into your my.webmecanik user account settings
  • settings add link to your support center and support ticket manager on top right menu


  • email fix order of social elements that was not respecting the configuration of the social slot
  • email rename the save button in builder to next button to avoid user thinking that the email is saved once builder closed
  • email fix unsubscribe form displayed on unsubscribe link if used
  • report changes all ID links to entities (contacts, emails, etc.) in reports to the view pages instead of edit page
  • report fix the contact name displayed by error in the segment membership report type
  • report fix minor issue in campaign report causing report crash
  • owner manager minor fixes to enhance contact owner assignment
  • contact fix search bar issue on contact timeline when owner manager was enabled
  • integration fix Pipedrive mapping tab that disconnected plugin on each mapping modification

Webmecanik Automation 3.0.38-atmt

security fix vulnerability


Webmecanik Automation 3.0.37-atmt

Features & Enhancements

  • company the company name is now usable as single unique ID for imports
  • forms ability to not erase company data if exists when mapped with form field
  • email add new owner tokens
  • global you can now use the general search bar for any type of entity (companies, contacts, focus items, etc.)


  • UI hide support and Webmecanik users from dropdown lists
  • email & pages fix an issue when inserting an image from a subfolder of the media manager
  • email enhance display performances of email statistics
  • company enhance company search bar performances
  • report fix the dropdown list of owners when added as filter in a report
  • contact fix display custom column shown when the field is assigned to a different group from “core” fields
  • contact fix the display of the time of datetime fields that was showing with 1h difference from real saved value

Webmecanik Automation 3.0.36-atmt

Bug fixes

  • contact fix issue when importing contacts as DNC which was not taken into account
  • form fix issue on conditional forms where condition was not working if the based condition value contained an apostrophe

my.webmecanik.com 1.2.1


  • Add a link to you ticket manager and assistance in the top right menu
  • Ability to delete a user from your company if you have administrator rights, or for the companies of your customers if you are a Webmecanik reseller.

Webmecanik Automation 3.0.35-atmt

Enhancements & features

  • segments optimise performances to display segment detail page
  • dashboard optimise performances to display dashboard
  • integration add as configurable the Everwin CRM account URL


  • API allow to reset a field value by API
  • campaign correct a case if two events where triggered at the same time for two different campaigns that could block the next action to be triggered
  • report show assets download count variable on the date timeframe of the report

my.webmecanik.com 1.2.0


Launch of our new product, Webmecanik Academy ! The unique learning plateform done with Blended Learning (eLearning and human coaching). Get a lot of training from the marketing automation universe and get your own certification by Webmecanik !


Webmecanik Automation 3.0.31-atmt

Features & enhancements

  • email ability to create dynamic content on image and button slots (text was already possible)
  • integration new plugin for Everwin CRM
  • UI add an option in configuration to better handle visited page name when they are in Cyrillic or other alphabets
  • email add ability to set social network link as “no-share”


  • form fix feature to display a field only after X submission of the same form
  • integration better handle synchronisation of boolean fields for Microsoft Dynamics
  • integration better handle synchronisation of boolean fields for Salesforce
  • integration allow to erase a field value with empty value for ZohoCRM integration
  • company (UI) fix some issues using the search bar
  • email (UI) shows statistics of all addressed contacts on segment emails, even if contact has been removed from targeted segment
  • email (UI) avoid top bar from builder which was overlaped with content from builder
  • email (UI) change the way slot and section actions are display to avoid overlaping (clone, move, delete)
  • email (UI) fix an issue on dynamic content variant management
  • contact enhance fusion rules of contacts between identified and anonymous contacts
  • campaign fix issue that caused inability to delete campaign action from campaigns created before 2016
  • email fix section clone issue that was breaking style of the content in the cloned section

Webmecanik Automation 3.0.29-atmt

Bug fixes

  • UI do not display timeline event for not-scheduled sms
  • page fix URL displayed for landing pages that was displayed as relative
  • UI fix long tag name display on contact page
  • API fix error when sending empty value to multiselect fields
  • report fix report scheduling sent twice
  • campaign fix a case in campaigns triggering inactive actions schedules after decision for contacts that goes in campaign for a second time and that already took negative path in the campaign at the first time
    email prevent embedding the same image multiple times in an email when image are in base64
  • UI respect custom fields order set on the contact detail page

Webmecanik Automation 3.0.28-atmt


  • integration fix pagination loading for contact fields mapping UI in Microsoft Dynamics plugin
  • email enhance responsiveness of builder on Safari and small screen size

Webmecanik Automation 3.0.27-atmt


  • contact add ability to merge contacts by unique fields combinaison (email + another unique field) in global configuration


  • integration fix for Yellowbox CRM when trying to send Automation contacts to the lead table which was failing
  • report fix number on table reports (eg: amount of downloaded assets) which was showing a wrong link
  • security preventive fix

Webmecanik Automation 3.0.24-atmt

Features & enhancements

  • email add a new parameter to force Outlook displaying desktop view on Desktop app.
  • email add justify alignment to text slots
  • integration ability to choose the custom lead table for YellowBox CRM synchronisation
  • contact on the contacts list page, display company name under contact name


  • email force email client to use style properties given from builder on links
  • email display the font tooltip correctly
  • campaign fix an issue in the builder that let the user saving disconnected slots which was generating issues on next campaign edition
  • form fix impossibility do modify field attributes

Webmecanik Automation 3.0.25-atmt


  • report fix the use of startsWith, endsWith, contains for some columns in text format
  • email minor fix on email edition