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Security is one of the most important things for software users and application owners. The data protection topic became especially relevant and decisive since the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect on May 25, 2018. The Regulation requires businesses to take necessary technical and organisational measures to ensure a high level of information security according to Article 32: Security of processing data. Although Switzerland is not a member of the European Union, there are implications for Swiss companies, including for those who do not necessarily have a branch or subsidiary in EU.

Not only you need to protect your own data, but also your customer’s data and valuable information (such as their email addresses, phone numbers, etc). At the same time, data protection laws and the quality of servers differ from country to country. Some countries are not considered as reliable for application hosting needs because of their anti-privacy laws, for example.
Fortunately, at Webmecanik we offer you the possibility to have your data hosted in Switzerland, the guarantee of a high level of data storage security.

For a start, data privacy is deeply integrated in Swiss mindset. Data stored on Swiss soil is further safeguarded by the Swiss Federal Data Protection Act and Ordinance to the Swiss FDPA, which gives judges the discretion to restrict data access without substantial evidence of a crime. Besides, values such as neutrality and independence are two key features for the ideal location to store your data. Last but not least, Swiss data center hosting has newer infrastructure, is better maintained and better protected than anywhere else.

Webmecanik gives due importance to this subject and was pioneer in GDPR compliance for marketing automation softwares. Webmecanik Automation provides you all the necessary features to respect GDPR rules (data anonymization, right to be forgotten, etc.). By choosing Webmecanik you make sure to select a compliant software vendor, which will help you in your own compliance process, since data hosting to your marketing automation activities. 

>> Get your guide: GDPR emailing checklist for marketers

Carol CorreiaInternational Director at Webmecanik
Helping our customers to deploy kick-ass marketing automation strategy around the world.

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