• #Marketing strategy

Marketing automation is a very good asset to increase the performance of your marketing strategy. In order for it to work at its best, you need to find the right time to implement it. Let's first look at the benefits of marketing automation, before understanding the right time to take this step.

Marketing automation: 3 good reasons to get started

Save time

Repetitive tasks are a real problem in the working world. It is a source of errors, demotivation and is terribly time-consuming. In fact, 40% of employees spend more than a quarter of their time on repetitive, and therefore automatable, tasks. Marketing automation allows you to free up time by automating many marketing tasks, such as email nurturing, SMS campaigns, contacts segmentation, etc.

Increase your results

Accompanying a lead from their first contact with your brand to their life as a customer is not easy. To create a relationship of trust, it is important to work on the image and awareness of your brand. You need to be present regularly (but not too much), with the right message for each person. To be exact, you need to deliver the right message, to the right person, at the right time, from the first visit on your website to the follow-up of the customer's life. By automating your contact segmentation and campaigns, you can ensure that you deliver the right message to the right person at the right time. Without wasting time. Who can beat that?

Improve customer experience

Customer experience is the emotions your contacts have had from the moment they get to know your brand until after the purchase act. This means that every time you interact with your contacts, you impact the experience of your customers, and by the same occasion their loyalty. To improve this experience, personalisation is key. There is nothing more powerful than a special relationship between each customer and your brand. By tracking your contacts' behaviour and segmenting your data, you can ensure that you send them a message that is meaningful and adds real value to them. In addition, dynamic content is a very useful tool to personalise your communications. And to take a step further, synchronising with your CRM will allow your sales team to take advantage of marketing automation too. Welcome to the era of Smarketing!

Find the right moment

However, marketing automation requires several prerequisites for an effective implementation.

Buyers personas

If you have not yet created your buyers personas, it is time to do so.

Indeed, this is a prerequisite for generating qualified leads and pushing them into the customer journey. In the decision-making process, especially in B2B, you will be addressing different targets: the management, the technical team, etc., who will each have different information needs. You therefore need a persona for each target, in order to communicate with each one in the best possible way.

Quality content

Now that you know who to communicate with, you need to know what to tell them. To give them the information they are looking for, you need to take into account two main factors: your persona and their level of maturity. To optimally automate the communication with your contacts, you need content for each combination. This requires a lot of quality articles, as they are the key to the added value of your message.

A marketing automation trained team

Finally, you need a team. You will save time on repetitive tasks, which will be used for other tasks. It is this process that will lead you to accelerate your growth. Analysing the behaviour of your contacts, the KPIs of your communications, creating content accordingly and adjusting the marketing automation strategy. All this requires special skills. Fortunately, there are marketing automation training courses available (when it is not included in your solution).


So, is it the right time for you to switch to marketing automation?

Lucile CONSResponsable marketing & acquisition, je suis toujours à l'affût de nouveautés digitales. Mon guilty pleasure ? Tester les nouvelles fonctionnalités Webmecanik !

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